Monday, 8 December 2014

What is a target audience?

For a film, the audience is the people who will be buying and viewing the film, and the audience can be split into three groups, primary, secondary and tertiary. 

The primary audience are the main audience, who hold a direct interest in the product. So the primary target audience is who the marketing and film is made to suit.


The secondary audience are audience members who are not directly targeted by the film, however they are associated through other factors. For example, parents taking their children to the cinema will be the secondary audience of the film, so they would need to be considered.


The tertiary audience are the audiences who only have the slightest interest in the film, however they would not usually view it.

A target audience can be defined as "A particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed" Film companies have a target audience so that they can market the film and create the film in the right way, so they can gross as high as possible, and target audiences give the company a goal and a target to achieve.

Target audiences can be defined by some of the following:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Class
  • Ethnic Group
  • Interests
  • Uses & Gratifications 
Teen films usually can be related to by teens, and they are made with the teenagers in mind, so the target audiences for teen films are usually teenagers, as they can relate and enjoy the topics as it is more real to life, however secondary target audiences could be older adults who can still remember their teenage years and they would be able to reminisce. 

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